ObjectivesThe LIFE Agromitiga project aims todevelop a low-carbon farming system,providing validated results, applicable toEU commitments in global climate alliances.Therefore, this initiative raisesthe following specific objectives:More InfoThe LIFE Agromitiga project aims to develop a low-carbon farming system,providing validated results, applicable to EU commitments in global climateMore Infoalliances. Therefore, this initiative raises the following specific objectives:Objectives
ActionsThese actions include technical tasks,aimed at the implementation ofConservation Agriculture techniques forcarbon sequestration and its inclusion ina Carbon Footprint quantification methodology,as well as the creation of an App to evaluatevia mobile phone the carbon contentMore InfoThese actions include technical tasks, aimed at the implementation of ConservationAgriculture techniques for carbon sequestration and its inclusion in aMore InfoCarbon Footprint quantification methodology, as well as the creation ofActionsan App to evaluate via mobile phone the carbon content in agricultural soils.Likewise, there are also governance and dissemination actions through conferences,courses and congresses.in agricultural soils. Likewise, there are alsogovernance and dissemination actionsthrough conferences, coursesand congresses.s.
PartnersThe LIFE Agromitiga project is co-financedby the LIFE program of the EuropeanUnion, and the members of theAssociation are the Spanish Associationof Conservation Agriculture Livingoils (AEACSV), Asaja Sevilla (the YoungMore InfoThe LIFE Agromitiga project is co-financed by the LIFE program of the EuropeanUnion, and the members of the Association are the Spanish Association ofMore InfoConservation Agriculture Living Soils (AEACSV), Asaja Sevilla (the Young Farmers'PartnersAgricultural Association), the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries andSustainable Development, the European Conservation Agriculture Federation (ECAF),the Andalusian Institute of Agricultural Research and Training (IFAPA) and the University of Córdoba.Farmers' Agricultural Association), theMinistry of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheriesand Sustainable Development, theEuropean Conservation Agriculture Federation (ECAF),the Andalusian Institute of Agricultural Researchand Training (IFAPA) and the University of Córdoba
Demos Farms NetworkThe LIFE Agromitiga project will carryout the implementation of GoodAgricultural Practices at 3 scales (pilot,regional and transnational). Therefore,a Network of Demonstrative Farms willbe established, which will include moreMore InfoThe LIFE Agromitiga project will carry out the implementation of Good AgriculturalPractices at 3 scales (pilot, regional and transnational). Therefore, a Network ofMore InfoDemonstrative Farms will be established, which will include more than 35 farms, inDemos Farms Networkcountries such as Spain, Italy, Greece and Portugal, in which techniques such as notillage and groundcovers will be monitored, as well as the amount of carbon thateach practice would produce.than 35 farms, in countries suchas Spain, Italy, Greece and Portugal, inwhich techniques such as no tillageand groundcovers will be monitored,as well as the amount of carbonthat each practice would produce.
Best Management PracticesConservation Agriculture is the basis ofagricultural practices implemented within theframework of the LIFE Agromitiga projectThese techniques, based on three basicprinciples such as the non-disturbanceof the soil, soil coverage by plant residuesMore InfoConservation Agriculture is the basis of agricultural practices implemented withinthe framework of the LIFE Agromitiga project. These techniques, based on threeMore Infobasic principles such as the non-disturbance of the soil, soil coverage by plantBest Management Practicesresidues on at least 30% of its surface area and crop rotation, offer enormouspotential for all types and sizes of farms and agro-ecological systems. Its proveneffectiveness for sequestering carbon in the soil and reducing greenhouse gasemissions, make it one of the best practices to mitigate climate change.on at least 30% of its offer enormouspotential for all types and sizes of farmsand agro-ecological systems Its proveneffectiveness for sequestering carbon in thesoil and reducing greenhouse gas emissions,make it one of the best practices to mitigate
Expected ResultsLIFE Agromitiga will promote a soil managementsystem that mitigates climate change. Thanksto different actions, the agricultural sectorwill develop a methodology and a tool to assessthe carbon content in the soil depending onthe soil management system uses in the cropMore InfoLIFE Agromitiga will promote a soil management system that mitigates climatechange. Thanks to different actions, the agricultural sector will develop aMore Infomethodology and a tool to assess the carbon content in the soil depending on theExpected Resultssoil management system used in the crop, providing the administrations withinstruments to verify agricultural and environmental policies regarding climate change.providing the administrations with instrumentsto verify agricultural and environmentalpolicies regarding climate change.
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Address: Ifapa Centro "Alameda del Obispo"
Avd.Menéndez Pidal s/n
Edificio nº3 Olivicultura
Despachos 234-235
14004 Córdoba
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Phone: +34 957 42 20 99
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