During the execution period, the LIFE-Agromitiga project focuses on developing a strategy aimed at ensuring social participation, sustainability, optimization and progress of its actions and results over time. This strategy is based on the implementation of a Governance and Sustainability Plan that guarantees effective social and institutional participation in the project, as well as taking into account and integrating the opinion of qualified experts that favor a greater impact of the project.
In the same way and specifically aimed at the agricultural sector, the project contemplates the creation of working groups of farmers from the different agro-climatic zones, which serve both as an evaluation of the project's methodology and as a guarantee of validation of its sustainability at a general level.
The main objective of this action is the incorporation of a multidisciplinary approach and the implementation of a continuous assessment system that integrates multiple experiences from different areas of activity.
Farmers are a fundamental pillar in this action, since they are ultimately responsible for the implementation of the best management practices proposed by the project. Therefore, the Climate Farmer Network has been set up. It was made up of farm owners and managers concerned about the climate change impact and interested in accessing information generated by the project, which will enable a successful implementation of mitigating agricultural practices.
This Network includes five working groups distributed by agroclimatic zones, which aim to catalyze the farmers' concerns about climate change and the adaptation of Conservation Agriculture practices to the particular conditions of each geographic area.
The constitutive meeting of the Network took place on February 13 in Madrid at the Upper Technical School of Agricultural Engineers (ETSIAAB) of The Technical University of Madrid (UPM), attended by more than twenty representatives from the academic and research world, and by regional technical associations made up of farmers that promote Conservation Agriculture.
The LIFE-Agromitiga project (Development of climate change mitigation strategies through agriculture which makes good use of carbon) is coordinated by the Spanish Association for Conservation Agriculture - Living Soils (AEAC.SV) in collaboration with ASAJA-Sevilla, the University of Córdoba, the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and Sustainable Development of the Junta de Andalucía, IFAPA, and the European Conservation Agriculture Federation (ECAF).
Source: https://www.asajasevilla.es
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