The LIFE Agromitiga project aims to develop a low-carbon farming system, providing validated results, applicable to EU commitments in global climate alliances. Therefore, this initiative raises the following specific objectives:
To improve the state of knowledge about the contents of carbon in agricultural soil.
To design and implement a method to calculate carbon footprint in the cultivation stage of crops, eligible for international verification standards and carbon footprint calculation.
To develop a technological tool to evaluate and quantify the increase of carbon in soils due to better soil management practices, as a basis for the development and monitoring of policies linked to climate change and emissions trading.
To demonstrate the ability of Conservation Agriculture to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the Mediterranean Basin.
To encourage the development of soil management systems that mitigate climate change, through training and raising awareness of stakeholders linked to agriculture.
To spread and transfer the experience and the soil management philosophy to similar Mediterranean areas.

Address: Ifapa Centro "Alameda del Obispo"
Avd.Menéndez Pidal s/n
Edificio nº3 Olivicultura
Despachos 234-235
14004 Córdoba
E-mail: info@agriculturadeconservacion.org
Phone: +34 957 42 20 99
Fax: +34 957 42 21 68
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